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Latest feature articles, blogs, interviews and news from the world of track and field

Farewell to the Maputo Express A look at the long and Illustrious career of Maria Mutola © 2016 The Runner's Tribe, all rights reserved. Rewind to 1991, a lifetime ago, but for an 18 year old from Mozambique, mature beyond her years, it marked the beginning of the road. 17 years have...
Stay Tuned for the full Workout Video of David McNeill's Tempo filmed in the Blue Mountains, NSW Australia.
RT Journal by Craig Burns | Pressure Cooker of Competition It’s that time of year again. The next 2 months are fuller than a butcher's dog. It seems like every weekend there is a competition to go to and in a way that is a blessing.­ I still need to...
Canberra delivers fast footwork | A Column By Len Johnson A little bit of fancy footwork is always handy in Canberra, the nation’s political capital, where agility and nimbleness were highly prized long before the current incumbent moved into the prime ministerial office. If the politicians weren’t admiring of the performances...
Session- Warm up, 1600m, Lap Recovery, 4 sets of 4x400m, Cool down. Featured Athletes- Zoe Buckman, Courtney Powell, Melissa Duncan, Gen LaCaze, Ryan Gregson, Brett Robinson, Charlotte Purdue, Stewart McSweyn, Sam McEntee and Luke Mathews, Ryan Geard, Sean Guiney, Sam Spicer & our Japanese visitors. Thanks to Nic Bideau and...
Everything you need, and nothing that you don’t: A critical analysis of the ideal athletic training conditions. With much of the United States currently in the midst of extreme winter temperatures and with storm warnings from the East Coast to the Midwest, many of America’s finest have flocked to warm-weather training...
The Warm up Ritual | Written by Mark Blomeley Let’s be honest, for most of us runners a warm up is usually putting on our shoes and then doing a slower run for a couple of minutes before we increase our pace to our target pace for the session. We know...
Melbourne Track Club | My Journey by Sam Spicer Hi, I’m Sam, I’m 20 years old and this time last year I had no idea about the running community, I didn’t know about Athletics Victoria competition, about training groups, I hadn’t heard of running flats, and thought spikes were only for...
Bring back the mile – has it ever gone away? A Column By Len Johnson In outlining his vision to make athletics more appealing to a younger audience, Sebastian Coe recently observed: “The average age of those watching track and field is 55 years old. This is not sustainable.” How does...
The Long Run: What’s the Point? Written by Mark Blomeley The long run or long runs are a staple of any good running program for anyone running over 800m. However the reality is for many runners, due to injuries or long term issues not enough long run volume can be achieved...
Runner's Tribe