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A Finish is a finish: By Emma Kraft I want to share a story with you all; however some of you may already be aware through Facebook of what happened during my race at the World Mountain Running Championships in Italy on the 14th September 2014. I think sharing my...
Hi fellow runners! As I believe it’s important to live a balanced life, I’ll begin my giving you a few random facts about me before I blab on about running for the remainder of my first blog post! I am the eldest of six children, study Engineering/ Law at Monash,...
First of all, how are you enjoying your experience at Stanford? I love Stanford University! Combining both my academic and athletic endeavours in one beautiful location is such a blessing. Were you nervous about heading over to college in the US? And how are you coping with living on the other...
You recently won the Noosa bolt. Are you happy with your current form? I feel like I'm heading in the right direction with my fitness. Leading up to the Burnie10 and Noosa Bolt I was doing heavy base work with only one threshold session a week but lots of longer...
First of all, it's great to see you back competing consistently after being bitten by a snake earlier this year. Can you talk us through what happened and the recovery process? America was a bit of a crazy experience! I actually get a good chuckle out of it now though...
By Matt Inglis Fox for Runner's Tribe Hello Nic, thanks very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk with the Runner's Tribe. You've just been up at Falls Creek with the MTC. Give us an MTC post Falls Creek report…. Nic Bideau: Well they will be...
Highlight of the year with running? I had so many highlights and new experiences last season, but I would have to say winning the bronze medal at World Juniors was definitely my favourite. I found it a very difficult preparation with trying to peak again and balancing this with adjusting...
This year you've stepped up to the marathon. You have terrific potential to knock out some rock solid times over this distance. How do you rate you performance so far? I’ve only competed in the one marathon to date (Sydney, 2013) and it was by far the most underwhelming performance...
Alice Springs Masters Games, 10km, Simpsons Gap So yes here is another Blog on Runners Tribe about a distance runner with a running injury. Surprise Surprise; is this DeJaVu? However, this is a little different as I literally had to board a plane, take a minimum 3 days off from...
Did you have some time off after the Commonwealth Games? I did! My coach (Adam Didyk) and I had planned a longer than usual 'rest' period post-Glasgow for a mental as much as a physical break from normal the training routine. As it turned out, I sustained a metatarsal bone...
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