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Latest feature articles, blogs, interviews and news from the world of track and field

Work/life balance: RT Journal by Ellen Schaef Every employer will ask you in an interview, “So, how do you manage your stress?” My response is always; well, I run. Everyone smiles and nods and ticks that question off but realistically, running makes me more stressed than anything else in my life....
Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. His many books include On Pace, The Endurance Diet, 80/20 Running, and How Bad Do You Want It?  I once coached a runner who had a strong desire to impress me. Every now and then during our weekly FaceTime catchups, he would...
Wanted: home-town heroes Who is going to step up for Australia when the world cross-country finally comes to Bathurst on 18 February? Will it be the star-studded mixed relay comprised of Ollie Hoare, Jessica Hull, Stewie McSweyn and Abbey Caldwell. They’re certainly talking up their chances. Elevate your running game...
A column by Len Johnson – Runner’s Tribe Out of Africa, always something new, wrote Pliny the Elder back in the first century A.D. Pliny was referencing a quote from the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, but if you paraphrase slightly to “out of Africa, always something in the news,” then you’ve just...
OPPs are the glue that holds everything together as the mature distance runner faces the inevitable setbacks that will occur. They are the bedrock for determination, for it is all too easy to give in or give up.
A 3:32.17 win for Stewart McSweyn over 1500 in Zagreb on Tuesday night (15 September), was a national record of sorts, the second, 7:28.02 two days later for third over 3000 in Rome, was some sort of national record, taking down no less than the great Craig Mottram by some four seconds.
Noah Lyles didn’t win his heat of the Olympic 100 metres. He didn’t win his semi-final either. He never led the 100 metres final until the moment his chest touched the line. But he is the Paris 2024 men’s 100 metres Olympic champion. And with victory we can acclaim him the world’s fastest man (until the next global championship).
‘And all that I knew was the hole in my shoe which Was letting in water’, (Traffic, 1967) I blamed Carl Lewis. There I was, on the steps of the old Parliament House in Canberra, squinting into the sun and trying to explain to a national television audience on the Today show...