We have analysed the data to identify the countries and individuals who have shown remarkable performance at the Olympics and those who have the potential to shine in the upcoming 2024 games.

The 2024 Olympics in Paris, a monumental event in the world of sports, are rapidly approaching. As the vibrant city prepares to ignite the Olympic torch and commence the highly anticipated games, the world holds its breath. The Olympics represent the ultimate showcase of athleticism and skill, where countless athletes from around the globe vie for excellence. They are also one of the rare occasions each year when online betting sites experience activity centred around Athletics and other lesser-known sports.

But I’m curious: who have been the standout performers in recent years at the Olympics? Through an in-depth analysis of the historical data from the 21st-century Olympics, we have uncovered the nations that have consistently excelled in various sports disciplines. 

Underdog Countries to Watch at the 2024 Paris Olympics 

Everybody loves an underdog story, so instead of starting by highlighting the most dominant countries, let’s take a closer look at those nations with a chance at shocking the world. 

Ethiopia: A Contender in Athletics  

Athletes Competed Since 2020: 185

Olympic Medals Won Since 2020: 42

Percentage of Olympic Medals Per Athlete: 22% 

Ethiopia, a nation that has consistently excelled in sports, particularly athletics, is a testament to the dedication and hard work of its athletes. Notably, Ethiopia’s Olympic medal winners have achieved success in athletics, a testament to their relentless pursuit of excellence.

In addition, all of the medals won by Ethiopians in Olympic history have been in the disciplines of long or middle-distance running. They have been incredibly successful in the men’s 10,000-meter race, winning four out of the six Olympics held since 2000. Their record in the women’s race is equally impressive. Notable long-distance runners from Ethiopia include Haile Gebrselassie, Tirunesh Dibaba, and Kenenisa Bekele. 

Jamaica: Another Athletics Standout   

Athletes Competed Since 2020: 300

Olympic Medals Won Since 2020: 58

Percentage of Olympic Medals Per Athlete: 19%

While Ethiopians excel in long-distance running events, Jamaicans dominate in sprinting, showcasing their prowess as the fastest runners. Of the 58 medal wins since 2000, track sprinting or hurdling has accounted for just one, apart from Chelsea Hammond’s bronze in the 2008 women’s long jump competition.

Usain Bolt, widely regarded as the fastest man in history, has left an indelible mark on the Olympic stage with his iconic presence. The ‘Lightning Bolt’ has an impressive collection of eight gold medals and made history with a record-breaking victory in the iconic first 100m race in 2008.

Olympic Games 2024 Odds: Most Gold Medals 

Before we discuss the most dominant countries heading to Paris this year, let’s see if the bookmakers’ opinions align with ours. 

At the time of writing, the current leaders in future odds on the countries expected to win the most gold medals are as follows:  

  • USA [0.14/1] 
  • China [4.5/1] 
  • Great Britain [40/1] 
  • Japan [50/1]
  • Germany [150/1]
  • France [200/1] 

Unsurprisingly, the best licensed online bookmakers have positioned the United States in a highly probable position to win the most gold medals at the Paris 2024 Olympics. With that said, let’s evaluate as to why the US Olympics are so heavily favoured. 

The Most Dominant Nations at the Summer Olympics

USA: The Most Successful Olympic Nation   

Olympic Gold Medals Won Since 2020: 239

Olympic Medals Won Since 2020: 637

The United States has established itself as the most accomplished nation in modern Olympic history, with an impressive record of over 600 medals since the turn of the century. This remarkable achievement translates to an average of approximately 106 medals per Olympic games.

The USA has excelled in tentpole sports like track and field athletics and swimming, garnering significant attention for their achievements. It’s no wonder that the USA has achieved such remarkable success. Their team benefits from extensive funding and boasts an impressive roster of over 3,500 US Olympians since 2000, surpassing the next biggest nation by over 1,000 athletes. 

Numerous American Olympians have achieved great success, but one athlete stands out among the rest. Michael Phelps has an astonishing record of winning 23 gold medals across five Olympics, nearly 10% of all the gold medals won by American athletes. Some of the most notable American Olympic stars are the Williams sisters, who had an incredible reign in women’s tennis, and sprinters Michael Johnson, Justin Gatlin, and Allyson Felix.  


Olympic Gold Medals Won Since 2020: 210

Olympic Medals Won Since 2020: 467

Despite having nearly 200 fewer medals than the USA, China has emerged as the second most successful nation at the Olympics in the 21st century. China achieved remarkable success at the 2008 Olympics held in Beijing. China emerged as the dominant force in these games, securing an impressive 100 medals, with an impressive number of them being gold. China has excelled in technical sports that demand precision and athleticism, showcasing its dominance in diving, table tennis, and gymnastics. 

Despite entering significantly fewer athletes across the most recent six Olympic Games over the last two decades, China has secured slightly fewer gold medals than America. 

China excels in table tennis, badminton, and diving, earning numerous gold medals in the latter. Since 2000, four Chinese Olympians have achieved an impressive feat by securing five gold medals. Presenting a group of remarkable athletes: Zou Kai, a talented gymnast; Ma Long, a skilled table tennis player; and Wu Munxua and Chen Ruolin, exceptional divers. 

Great Britain:  

Olympic Medals Won Since 2020: 304

With 432 medals overall and 141 gold, Russia is, in fact, the third most dominant Olympic nation. However, due to their exclusion from Paris 2024, we’re skipping straight ahead to the United Kingdom.

Since 2000, the United Kingdom has earned just over 300 Olympic medals, placing it fourth overall. Among the major nations, Britain has shown remarkable improvement in recent years. In the Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004 Olympics, they finished tenth with 28 medals and 30 medals, respectively. However, they quickly climbed up the ranks and secured fourth—and third-place finishes in the subsequent events.

The London Olympics in 2012 marked a remarkable achievement for British sports. The host nation showcased its dominance in cycling and secured significant victories in high-profile athletics events.