The Ingebrigtsen family has captured the running world’s attention with their remarkable accomplishments, leaving enthusiasts and experts intrigued by their unique Ingebrigtsen training methods. Among them, the training approach of middle-distance prodigy Jakob Ingebrigtsen has sparked curiosity. Today, we delve into Jakob’s base training period, shedding light on the elements that contribute to his exceptional performance. Join us as we explore the training routine behind this running phenomenon.

Jakob’s base training period comprises four distinct components: “easy” training, threshold training, hill training, and long runs. While the Ingebrigtsens share insights into their Ingebrigtsen training during this period, the specifics of their competition-specific preparation, aimed at achieving peak fitness, remain a subject of speculation.

The foundation of Jakob’s routine lies in “easy” training, the largest portion of his Ingebrigtsen training regimen. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, he embarks on two 10-kilometer easy runs. Although advised to maintain a pace of approximately 4 minutes per kilometer, Jakob’s inner drive often leads him to complete these sessions at a faster pace, around 3 minutes and 45-50 seconds per kilometer, admitting that monotony sometimes gets the better of him.

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Key to Jakob’s exceptional aerobic capacity is threshold training, enabling him to excel across various distances from 1,500 to 10,000 meters and potentially even half-marathons. Twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he engages in what he calls “double threshold” sessions as part of his Ingebrigtsen training. Typically, the morning session consists of longer efforts with lower lactate levels (<2mmol), while the evening session involves shorter efforts with slightly higher lactate levels (<3.5mmol). Jakob diligently manages the intensity of these sessions, constantly monitoring lactate levels and occasionally opting for treadmill workouts.


Saturdays are dedicated to demanding hill training sessions for the Ingebrigtsen brothers. They conquer 20 sets of 200-meter hill repeats, followed by an easy jog downhill for approximately one minute as a recovery. This rigorous Ingebrigtsen training pushes their lactate levels to 8-10mmol and represents the most challenging session of the week. Typically, they follow this with a lighter threshold session in the evening.

Lastly, Sundays are reserved for the long run, a crucial component of the Ingebrigtsen training universe. Jakob consistently completes a 20-kilometer run, noting that he has never exceeded this distance throughout his entire running career. He emphasizes the importance of prudent training management, deliberately avoiding excessive distances even during long runs.


Now, let’s examine a typical training week for Jakob Ingebrigtsen and his Ingebrigtsen training:

Monday: Morning: 10 kilometers of easy running at a pace of 3 minutes and 45-50 seconds per kilometer. Evening: 10 kilometers of easy running at a similar pace.

Tuesday: Morning: Five sets of 6-minute runs with lactate levels below 2mmol. Evening: 10-12 sets of 1000-meter runs with lactate levels below 3.5mmol.

Wednesday: Morning: 10 kilometers of easy running at a pace of 3 minutes and 45-50 seconds per kilometer. Evening: 10 kilometers of easy running at a similar pace.

Thursday: Morning: Six sets of 5-minute runs with lactate levels below 2mmol. Evening: 20 sets of 400-meter runs with lactate levels below 3.5mmol.


Friday: Morning: 10 kilometers of easy running at a pace of 3 minutes and 45-50 seconds per kilometer. Evening: 10 kilometers of easy running at a similar pace.

Saturday: Morning: 20 sets of 200-meter hill repeats, pushing lactate levels to 8-10mmol. Evening: Lighter threshold work with lactate levels below 2mmol.

Sunday: A 20-kilometer long run at a pace of 3 minutes and 45-50 seconds per kilometer (and possibly even faster, according to rumors).

By adhering consistently to this Ingebrigtsen training regimen week after week, Jakob has cemented his position as one of the world’s most exceptional runners.


  1. Hej,
    Jag har blivit vansinnigt intresserad av Friidrott genom pågående VM. Jag representerar ett företag som har en produkt som underlättar återhämtning av kroppen efter ansträngningar. Skulle förstås villa ha en kontakt med er angående detta. Jag hoppas att det går bra för Sverige och alla oss övriga i dessa tävlingar.

    Bästa hälsningar, Michael

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