RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Driven for the journey ahead Runner’s Tribe Journal: Written by Casey Wood Injuries. It’s never a word that an athlete wants to hear. Even though it's inevitable at some point, no matter what fitness level, it’s never something we all want, and when it happens, it usually affects us more than we would like...
The Art of Switching Off Written By Tyson Popplestone More isn’t always better. You already knew that. Athletes seem to understand it better than most people. It’s the reason we have days allocated to taking it a little easier. Resting. Recovering. We realise that in order for our performance to improve, we need...
Throughout the RT Journals | The Workout Series, top athletes from Australia and abroad will share with us their current top 3 favourite and most beneficial workout sessions. This is a gift to runners of all levels. We hope you can benefit from the words and practices of these...
CONFIDENCE IS A STORY   Written By Tyson Popplestone for Runner's Tribe In the world of competitive sport, a combination of talent and training will carry us to a certain level, but when we add a little confidence to the mix, we bind and strengthen the talent and hard work in...
BY TYSON POPPLESTONE Having spent over 10 years as a middle distance runner, Tyson Popplestone has represented Australia at the World University Cross Country Championships (2010) , has a 3000m PR of 8mins 10 seconds, won the 2011 Melbourne Marathon 10km and took out the 2011 Victorian Mile Championships (as seen...
Runner's Tribe blog BY TYSON POPPLESTONE Having spent over 10 years as a middle distance runner, Tyson Popplestone has represented Australia at the World University Cross Country Championships (2010) , has a 3000m PR of 8mins 10 seconds, won the 2011 Melbourne Marathon 10km and took out the 2011 Victorian Mile...
Work/life balance: RT Journal by Ellen Schaef Every employer will ask you in an interview, “So, how do you manage your stress?” My response is always; well, I run. Everyone smiles and nods and ticks that question off but realistically, running makes me more stressed than anything else in my life....
Listen to Runner's Tribe Radio whilst reading this article if you like. Just press play on the RunnersTribeRADIO player on the side panel of this article. Mobile listeners and or to listen on Itunes or your music player click here (opens externally). Berlin Marathon 2016: RTJournal by Josh Harris As always...
Dejen Gebreselassie RT Journal: Working to hit goals in 2016: An Athlete's Life 2016 has been such a blessing for me, yet it has also been one of the busiest and toughest years of my life. Here are some highlights and thoughts to date. June 14th Launceston 10km Australian National Road Championship...
EMIL ZATOPEK: MY HERO RT Journal By Mark Tucker “Zatopek's greatness has surprised mankind. His goodness has illumined mankind. His fullness has elevated mankind.” (Sri Chinmoy) Words can hardly do justice to the man who I have looked up to and admired ever since I first learnt about him during my early...
Runner's Tribe