RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Saying goodbye to the NCAA | RT Journal by Linden Hall Standing on the starting line for the 2015 NCAA Championship 1500m final, it was hard not to dwell on it being my last race as a Florida State Seminole. An amazing journey, that until this point I hadn’t realised...
RT Journals The Workout Series | Maudie Skyring I train in Wollongong with my coach Paul Micale. We have a fairly big squad of boys and girls who all push each other hard. I love turning up to training and being able to socialise with all the squad, and...
Tom Fawthorpe RT Journal | The Workout Series My training is mainly based around the old saying of quality over quantity. The main reason behind this is due to injuries I have suffered in the past. When I was a bit younger I didn’t really listen to my body and...
Favourite sessions – Surprise Fartlek RT Journal by Russ Dessaix-Chin | The Workout Series If you want to bring a bit of fun and freshness to training, this session is a great one to include in the collection. I’m sure most of you would have guessed how it works just from...
RT Journal by Craig Burns | Pressure Cooker of Competition It’s that time of year again. The next 2 months are fuller than a butcher's dog. It seems like every weekend there is a competition to go to and in a way that is a blessing.­ I still need to...
RT Journals The Workout Series | Emily Augustine I've recently joined a new training group (coach - James Fitzgerald) and have enjoyed a good mix of new and different sessions. Evidently I have a few new favourite workouts to add to my existing ones. The first I did one Saturday was 15mins...
Melbourne Track Club | My Journey by Sam Spicer Hi, I’m Sam, I’m 20 years old and this time last year I had no idea about the running community, I didn’t know about Athletics Victoria competition, about training groups, I hadn’t heard of running flats, and thought spikes were only for...
RT Journals The Workout Series | Rowan Walker My three favourite sessions are a mix of what I’ve done for years. I keep things pretty simple and would often do the first two sessions literally week after week, as I built up to a goal race. The Mona Fartlek Basics of the...
My name is Christine Wearne. I am a 100m sprinter. I work full time as an Office Clerk while keeping up with my training program. Even though I work full time, sprinting is one of my top priorities in life. My job is very simple but I have my whole...
1km repeats In the winter I do 8 x 1k with a 1min jog between, running on dirt or grass and aiming for around 10k race pace. In the summer I do 6 x 1k on the track with 1min walk between, aiming for 5k race pace. 3 sets of 5min...