RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

At 2,100-2,700m above sea level, there is a noticeable change in what can be managed and sustained in training. Whilst many athletes talk about undertaking a block of altitude training to improve performance, it can also have the opposite effect. Individuals respond in different ways and certain factors, such...
To be successful in this sport a lot of time and dedication needs to go into training. All athletes sacrifice a lot of things in order to be the best athlete they can be. Running is such an individual sport so when you succeed it’s always great to share...
Alright, so you didn’t run the race you wanted, didn’t get the time you’ve trained for and didn’t finish in the top 3 positions and now you’re quiet disappointed. Whatever the reason is, don’t give up just yet! Every sport has its downfalls and every race you run won’t...
The airport scene has become a little too familiar in recent months. This time I am homeward bound for the Easter long weekend and rather than make the same old mistake of draining my phone battery, I opted to put my laptop to use. One week ago today, a...
Thinking back to my previous blog “break on through”, the season was somewhat of a break through. Maybe not onto the world stage but I did make a slight impact on the Domestic season, although bombing out at nationals I managed to sneak my way up to 4th on...
As I look back on the last 12 months, it's been a year of amazing highs combined with some challenging lows. The highest point was heading overseas to China for the Youth Olympics and later in the season, a low, having time off to reboot my immune system. Part 1 From...
Last week I was lucky enough to represent Australia at the World Cross Country Championships in Guiyang, China. I had made the Australian Mountain Running Team before but making the Australian Cross Country Team was something that I had dreamed of and strived for since I began running. Since...
Generally WA is seldom mentioned in any national running news. Which is pretty fair, as not much really happens over here. We have a small population and even fewer who think of running as a serious pastime or heaven forbid, passion. However we’re starting to change that. The running...
Hey guys! First let me thank runners tribe for letting me do my first blog post for them. Here is a wrap up of my year so far…. Leading off my success of winning the 2012 Zatopec 10 1500m, 2013 was set to be a big year for me. After...
This is my first time writing a blog so not sure how I’ll go but RT has kindly asked me to share my latest running experiences with you so I thought I would embrace the opportunity and give it a go. Before I begin here’s a bit about me “Clare...
Runner's Tribe