Why are so many good runners good at other sports?
By Mark Blomeley for The Runner's Tribe' Run School
When I meet with an elite runner, whether a sprinter or distance athlete, the first thing I’m intrigued about is whether running was always their main sport. The thing I essentially come...
Joan Benoit Samuelson: A Column By Mark Tucker for Runner's Tribe
The first ever winner of the Women’s Olympic Marathon. The first ever! For any distance runner that would be an absolute dream sentence to come after your name. For Joan Benoit Samuelson, it’s reality.
In the heat, humidity and smog...
Running with Baby? Researchers Calculate the Extra Effort Needed to Push a Stroller
Runnerstribe Admin -
The recent marathon world record highlights a useful way for parents to exercise.
Originally Published Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 11:45 Chris Gorski, Editor
(Inside Science) -- Earlier this month, at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Calum Neff set a world record for the fastest marathon by a runner pushing a stroller....
By Mark Tucker
“I had broken 2:09. I forgot my exhaustion. Within a couple (of) hours, the agony of a world record run would manifest itself. The elation would be replaced by fear. I would be urinating quantities of blood and vomiting black mucous. The race left me so totally...
Essential core exercises for runners: EPISODE 13 Run School Series
RT’s Run School featuring Mark Blomeley. Mark is a strength and conditioning coach with over 10 years experience in the sports and fitness industry. Currently, in Brisbane, he is a specialist strength and conditioning coach for runners from international standard...
In mid 2015 Runner's Tribe was given permission to re-publish and offer content suggestions to Inside Science which is an editorially independent nonprofit science news service run out of the American Institute of Physics and supported by a coalition of underwriters. RT has been following their stories and articles for...
Episode 12 RUN SCHOOL: Stability Training for running
RT’s Run School featuring Mark Blomeley. Mark is a strength and conditioning coach with over 10 years experience in the sports and fitness industry. Currently, in Brisbane, he is a specialist strength and conditioning coach for runners from international standard elites to...
What does it take for a Great Junior to Become a Great Open Age Athlete?
By Mark Blomeley for The Runner's Tribe' Run School
Athletics and distance running is one of those sports that is very interesting and unique when you look at where the top elite athletes have come from....
In mid 2015 Runner's Tribe was given permission to re-publish and offer content suggestions to Inside Science which is an editorially independent nonprofit science news service run out of the American Institute of Physics and supported by a coalition of underwriters. RT has been following their stories and articles for...
By Mark Blomeley for The Runner's Tribe' Run School
For those that have been following my posts and information for a while you’ll know that I’m a big fan of cross training. In fact for athletes where I’m directly in charge of their programming or their...