Run School

Run School is here to give all levels of runners information and advice to improve their running and to stay injury free. From top physiotherapist, podiatrists, trainers, doctors, coaches, massage therapist, athletes and more knowledgable experts. ‘Run School,’ will keep you informed by only the highest end sources on a regular basis.

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The Warm up Ritual | Written by Mark Blomeley Let’s be honest, for most of us runners a warm up is usually putting on our shoes and then doing a slower run for a couple of minutes before we increase our pace to our target pace for the session. We know...
RT Journals The Workout Series | Emily Augustine I've recently joined a new training group (coach - James Fitzgerald) and have enjoyed a good mix of new and different sessions. Evidently I have a few new favourite workouts to add to my existing ones. The first I did one Saturday was 15mins...
The Long Run: What’s the Point? Written by Mark Blomeley The long run or long runs are a staple of any good running program for anyone running over 800m. However the reality is for many runners, due to injuries or long term issues not enough long run volume can be achieved...
RT Journals The Workout Series | Rowan Walker My three favourite sessions are a mix of what I’ve done for years. I keep things pretty simple and would often do the first two sessions literally week after week, as I built up to a goal race. The Mona Fartlek Basics of the...
The strength training argument by Mark Blomeley for RT's RUN SCHOOL Strength training for runners continues to be a hotly debated topic. There are plenty of different philosophies around and most work to a degree. Increasingly though, there is very little disagreement that you should actually be doing strength training as...
Session 1: Mona Fartlek Basics of the session: The workout named after Steve Moneghetti is 20 minutes of fartlek with fast recovery, done as follows:-2x90 seconds hard (tempo to 10K pace) with 90 seconds recovery steady, not jogging. -4x60 seconds hard, 60 seconds steady. -4x30 seconds hard, 30 seconds steady. -4x15 seconds hard,...
2015 was a pretty good year, I've now started training with Philo Saunders' group and gained a lot of speed surprising myself a bit. It's great to have some good guys to train with and their sessions have really helped me develop. 1) Long Run 60-80mins No hard training session are...
Running Mechanics | What matters By Mark Blomeley As runners there is so much emphasis placed on where we are landing on our foot. The trend over the past decade is to place a lot of emphasis on forefoot landing or “running on your toes”. Today I’m going to surprise...
The Sports Gene' Explores The Science Behind Athletic Success Originally Published Jul 31 2013 - Re-Published with permission by RT 13/1/2016 By: Chris Gorski Not everyone can become an elite athlete. On the basketball court, tall men with abnormally long arms have an advantage over equally athletic men with typical body proportions....
Why Crossfit is NOT Going to Help Your Running By Mark Blomeley Well I said it… and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Crossfit isn’t going to assist your running performance, in fact it may do the exact opposite. To be honest, I think Crossfit is fun and...
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