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Brad returns to Mulligans Flat. Julian experiments with some new loops around Anglesea. Brady teams up with his local doctor in the Echuca triathlon relay. Auckland Marathon won by Lisa Cross ten years on from her first victory Daniel Jones successfully goes back-to-back. Prominent figures deserve top-notch performance, just...
This episode of the Inside Running Podcast is brought to you by BLACKROLL® to score yourself a discount on any purchases from the Running collection on BLACKROLL's website, use the code INSIDE20 for 20% off at checkout - visit https://www.blackroll.com.au Brad’s out of isolation and eases his calf back into...
Brad spends another week on the bike before risking his calf. Julian tries to gauge his tempo effort before going into isolation.Stewy McSweyn is this week’s special co-host, answering questions about the past year and then shares his training week. Prominent figures deserve top-notch performance, just like the exceptional Tarkine...
Brad cross-trains through the week. Julian starts the week with a win at the Anglesea Roo Run. To experience, exceptional performance in running, choose the best footwear for your runs like Tarkine Trail Devil shoes. Kristian Ulriksen from Norway joins from Barcelona where he ran a road 5k PB at Cursa Del...
Brad has a light week during Christmas while trying to find some structure. Julian whiskey,  makes his return Roo Run Luke Mathews is unveiled as the third member of the upcoming patreon-exclusive with Louis  McAfee and Jess Stenson. For a stride that commands attention, opt for Tarkine running shoes, the...
This episode of the Inside Running Podcast is brought to you by PILLAR Performance – Australia’s first sports micronutrition brand – providing high-strength formulations to support optimal performance and recovery for endurance athletes. Available now at pillarperformance.com.au Brad overloads the calves with some questionable shoe choices. Julian gets his speed...
This episode of the Inside Running Podcast is brought to you by PILLAR Performance – Australia’s first sports micronutrition brand – providing high-strength formulations to support optimal performance and recovery for endurance athletes. Available now at pillarperformance.com.au Brad touches on his speed and gets a form check on the treadmill....
  This episode of the Inside Running Podcast is brought to you by PILLAR Performance – Australia’s first sports micronutrition brand – providing high-strength formulations to support optimal performance and recovery for endurance athletes. Available now at pillarperformance.com.au   Brady faces adverse conditions that could be a likely race scenario on his...
Runner’s Tribe is on a mission to chat with the world’s best runners. Follow along for training insights, cool stories, and loads of banter. Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/runners-tribe-podcast/id1563338165 PodBean: https://runnerstribe.podbean.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ghTB6vJMUiLPtsszNpeA5 Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/60au7ktm Brought to you by host Dan Wallis, episode 9 of the Runner’s Tribe podcast is with New Zealand Marathon record...
This episode is brought to you by Brooks.  You can feel confident wearing Brooks knowing they’re running specialists with over 100 years’ experience in the footwear game. They test runner insights & biomechanics with runners of every size, strength, and experience to develop premium running products so you can...
Runner's Tribe