Run School

Run School is here to give all levels of runners information and advice to improve their running and to stay injury free. From top physiotherapist, podiatrists, trainers, doctors, coaches, massage therapist, athletes and more knowledgable experts. ‘Run School,’ will keep you informed by only the highest end sources on a regular basis.

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Written by Callen Goldsmith (science graduate and avid runner) You need fast to spell fasted, so fasting should make you faster right? It only makes sense that this is the case. Why would they even write the word like that if it didn’t? So, if you’re faster by fasting, how fast...
‘El Caballo’ The Training of Alberto Juantorena © 2021 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved “The secret to being a good runner is that you must sacrifice your life for it. You must train hard; eat well, with not too many parties and not too much sex. You must have a lot of...
Written by Callen Goldsmith (science graduate and avid runner). Remember back to when I was talking about protein? I briefly touched on gut microbiota, but since there’s at least as many of them as our own body cells if not more, they probably deserve their own article or two. The gut...
Hi everyone, my name is Joe Burgess and I’m a steeplechaser/mid-distance/distance runner from Sydney. It’s a privilege to be asked to contribute to Runners Tribe and to be able to share a snapshot of my training. Hopefully, I can help educate and inspire a number of you to improve...
As I write this, I’m on a plane to Los Angeles about to begin the next chapter of my life at college in the US. It’s a strange point in my running journey as I’m about to experience big changes in coaching and training, but I’m grateful for the...
Thank you, Runner’s Tribe, for getting this segment back up and running. It is always a great read and a good insight into what athletes and coaches alike are up to in their training methodology. Unleash your full potential with Tarkine Goshawk shoes, where cutting-edge technology meets unparalleled performance...
Written by Callen Goldsmith (science graduate and avid runner). It feels obvious that knocking back a protein shake after a training session will make you, in the words of Daft Punk: “harder, better, faster, stronger”. I mean, everyone seems to be doing it must work, right? I’ve had a fair...
My name is Kieren Tall. I am a 22 year old distance runner from a place you’ve probably never heard of; Terrey Hills. Terrey Hills can be likened to a country town inside a city. The top half of Terrey Hills is a confusing urban sprawl, the other half...
My name’s Hannah Cadden, I’m 18 years old from the ACT competing Nationally and Internationally in events ranging from 800m, 1500m, 3000m Steeplechase all the way up to 6km cross country. I have competed in over 20 National Championships in both Athletics and Cross Country since the age of...
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been running. As a little 6-year-old, Mum and dad enrolled my three brothers and me in Runaway Bay Little Athletics where I immediately fell head over heels in love with the sport. To this day, I’ve never really been able to...