Run School

Run School is here to give all levels of runners information and advice to improve their running and to stay injury free. From top physiotherapist, podiatrists, trainers, doctors, coaches, massage therapist, athletes and more knowledgable experts. ‘Run School,’ will keep you informed by only the highest end sources on a regular basis.

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© 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. You know the drill. Aching knee, tight hip, quads locking up- time for the foam roller. Surprise surprise, the good old foam roller actually works best if you use it when you are niggle free, a few minutes a day can make all...
© 2019 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. “My bottom end speed is usually pretty good, so like 200’s, 300’s, 400’s - they come around pretty quick - but that 800, 1000 kind of rep, that’s my weakness and what I tend to work on a lot.” -Matthew Centrowitz ‘Centro’ doesn’t really...
© 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. In an attempt to assess the ideal age for marathon runners, Runner’s Tribe took a look at the 30 fastest female marathon runners in world history.  Their respective ages were compared. To see our Australian women’s comparisons, click here. Facts Average Age: 28 ½   years...
© 2019 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. “The idea behind tempo runs is that by being right at lactate threshold you can consistently nudge it down. For instance, Matt Centrowitz, 4:50 (minutes per mile) is probably his lactate threshold, I’m hoping that 6 weeks from now it will be 4:40,...
By Mark Tucker - Runner's Tribe “There is an advantage to being the first mover. When you can get a surge, get your move in, everyone is reacting to you.” This was a quote I saw (thanks to from former college runner Elijah Greer, after he made a decisive move,...
Written by Lachlan Chisholm, Physiotherapist The Achilles tendon is a very common injury area in running and sport in general. Injury to the Achilles has a multitude of potential causes. The most common site of injury is an Achilles tendinopathy to the mid portion of the tendon, the other common site...
© 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. “If I run with others then all sessions become full-speed burners; thus I prefer to run with others just for speed sessions” - Paul Tergat Sources: Running to the Limit - Training Plans, Tips and Secrets. By Paul Tergat. ‘Train Hard, Win Easy. The Kenyan...
© 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. The Achilles tendon comes under an incredible amount of strain in the normal day-to-day life of most runners. It is therefore often the victim of strain/injury secondary to overuse. Understandably, our calf muscles are closely linked to our Achilles tendon, when one suffers...
© 2019 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. "Ask yourself: ‘Can I give more?’. The answer is usually: ‘Yes”.  - Paul Tergat Sources: Running to the Limit - Training Plans, Tips and Secrets. By Paul Tergat. Train Hard, Win Easy. The Kenyan Way. By Toby Tanser. DOB: 17th June 1969, Riwo, Baringo District,...
© 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. The calf muscles (gastrocnemius muscles) of the average runner do a serious amount of work. They simultaneously work to propel us forward (driving up a hill for example) as well as slowing us down (during a descent for example). Strong calves are vital. Being...