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RT Journal by Peter Bol New Balance RISING STAR: 2k16- A New Season As the 2015/2016-track season commences, there is so much curiosity and I'm eager to get on the track, whether that is because of the boredom experienced while not racing, or just missing the environment around track meets....
RT Journal by Jonas Aranda: Harvard Class of 2018 It's hard to believe that I've already completed my first year at Harvard, and that I've just commenced my second. Things flew by ever so quickly! It's been a whole mix of emotions: the excitement of studying in a whole new country...
Sunday morning, Melbourne, 18 October, 2015 and the Australian women’s Olympic marathon picture seemed to crystallise as Jess Trengove ran 2:27:45 in the Melbourne marathon and Lisa Weightman won the half-marathon in an even 71 minutes. Like a kid’s jigsaw, the picture did not stay in place long. Less than...
RT Interview with Josh Harris You recently paced Jess Trengove at the Melbourne Marathon to a history making time of 2:27.45. Can you talk us through your pacing plan and target times?  So before I was aware of Jess’s goal, I was planning to run the race as a tempo run...
Interview thanks to David Tarbotton Since arriving in Sydney’s inner west five years ago, former Tasmanian Milly Clark, 26, has made tremendous progression in athletics, including a national steeplechase title in 2012. But few could have predicted her stunning 2:29.07 marathon performance last weekend. On the same day Adelaide’s Commonwealth Games bronze...
RT Interview with Russ Dessaix-Chin: Back on the road again Last Sunday Russ won the Run Australia, Wollongong 12km race. After being seriously injured in February this year, what does it mean to be back out racing and more so running? Well, if I go back eight months to where I...
By Thomas Do Canto, from Walker Street Podiatry So, we’ve had the ‘barefoot running’ hype that bred the minimalist running shoe boom. This boom lasted several years - from 2010 to 2013 there was a vast increase in the availability and market share of this segment of the running shoe...
World Mountain Running 2015 Well what an experience! I am glad Ross Johnson invited me to write an article on the World Mountain Running Championship as it will help ensure I do not forget how life is just one big adventure. I knew it would be an amazing experience participating in...
Help us stop athletics in Australia from going backwards as the Queensland Government is considering plans to remove an athletics track from one of Australia’s most sought after athletics facilities. The Queensland Sports and Athletics Centre (QSAC) is home for many athletes based in Brisbane and South East Queensland. Originally...
Milly Clark produced a marathon debut that could just go down as the best ever by an Australian. Clark clocked in at 2:29.07 finishing 3rd in the Amsterdam Marathon yesterday. Thus achieving the qualifier for Rio in outstanding fashion. We’re looking forward to Milly’s next RT Journal, but for now it’s time...
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