A Column By Len Johnson

Len Johnson wrote for The Melbourne Age as an athletics writer for over 20 years, covering five Olympics, 10 world championships and five Commonwealth Games.

He has been the long-time lead columnist on RT and is one of the world’s most respected athletic writers.

He is also a former national class distance runner (2.19.32 marathon) and trained with Chris Wardlaw and Robert de Castella among other running legends. He is the author of The Landy Era.

Looks Good Enough To Eat My internet search engine (rhymes with poodle) regularly publishes doodles (also rhymes) commemorating various anniversaries. The import of these usually ranges from “I didn’t know that”, through “ho-hum”, to “I didn’t want to know that.” Occasionally, one strikes a chord and a resounding one was hit...
Diamonds are trumps | A Column By Len Johnson I’ve been wracking my brain a bit this week. Australia has three women – Eloise Wellings, Madeline Hills and Genevieve LaCaze - in the final of the 5000 metres Diamond Race at Friday night’s Ivo Van Damme Memorial in Brussels. I’ve been...
Ayana’s fall: A Column By Len Johnson We all know there was a fall in the Olympic women’s 5000 metres heat won by Almaz Ayana on 16 August. Nikki Hamblin tripped and fell, Abbey D’Agostino tumbled over her and the reactions of both women in the immediate aftermath have already...
Closing the door after bolt has bolted | A Column By Len Johnson Usain Bolt didn’t need a third relay gold medal to confirm his place among the Olympic immortals, but getting one ensured he would not end on an anti-climactic note. Bolt took the baton from Nickel Ashmeade for the...
The long march to the Marcha | A Column By Len Johnson ; It took us a while to get to watch Jared Tallent in the 50k walk. About a week, to be more precise. We set off for the Olympic walks course around noon on 12 August and we got there...
Len Johnson is currently in Rio, Brazil covering the games as he see's them. In the long run, you’re dead | A Column By Len Johnson Mo Farah slices you up with the delicacy of a surgeon, Almaz Ayana bludgeons you with a broadsword, but in the long run against these...
Len Johnson is currently in Rio, Brazil covering the games as he see's them. Please remember, these people are our guests | A Column By Len Johnson Went for our first run today in the Olympic city. A beach run it was, from Ipanema to Copacabana and back. A number of Olympic...
The Games have begun – at last. All us track and field fans know that the Olympic don’t really begin until athletics starts next Friday, but sports are being contested and medals being won (including some by Australians. Hooray!). Rio pulled off an opening ceremony which, while avoiding the financial extravagances...
  Take a deep breath | A Column by Len Johnson Take a deep breath. Contain your excitement. It is now only a few more sleeps before the Olympic Games open in Rio de Janeiro on 5 August. The ‘take a deep breath’ advice is actually a little belated, given the extent...
RUSSIA RUNNING OUT OF OPTIONS A COLUMN BY LEN JOHNSON Usain Bolt tells a London Diamond League media conference that his hamstring is ready to go for the Anniversary Games and Rio. The Court of Arbitration for Sport upholds an IAAF determination that 68 Russian athletes are not going to Rio. Who...
Runner's Tribe