RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Session 1: Mona Fartlek Basics of the session: The workout named after Steve Moneghetti is 20 minutes of fartlek with fast recovery, done as follows:-2x90 seconds hard (tempo to 10K pace) with 90 seconds recovery steady, not jogging. -4x60 seconds hard, 60 seconds steady. -4x30 seconds hard, 30 seconds steady. -4x15 seconds hard,...
2k16 | It’s the little things that make a big difference As many of you would have heard in December last year I relocated to Melbourne to base my training there with the St Kevin's boys under the guidance of Justin Rinaldi. The move has been smooth with everything coming...
2015 was a pretty good year, I've now started training with Philo Saunders' group and gained a lot of speed surprising myself a bit. It's great to have some good guys to train with and their sessions have really helped me develop. 1) Long Run 60-80mins No hard training session are...
Blessings in disguise | RT Journal By Courtney Powell Hi everyone, Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! As some of you may have realised, I missed the Zatopek 10km which I was planning to do. Unfortunately I got my first injury in my lower back however...
No athlete’s career is perfect. I truly believe it’s the ups and downs in one’s journey that defines us; it makes us stronger and more determined. The last year and a half hasn’t been perfect for me, but it’s the lessons I’ve learned along the way that will define...
One of the hardest parts of running is training when you know you’re not at your best because every run is hard, mentally and physically. It’s mentally tough because you know where you were and what you’re capable of but there’s nothing you can do about it besides put...
For an introduction into Clare's running journey, have a read of her first RT Journal here. Throughout the RT Journals | The Workout Series, top athletes from Australia and abroad will share with us their current top 3 favourite and most beneficial workout sessions. This is a gift to runners of...
Throughout the RT Journals | The Workout Series, top athletes from Australia and abroad will share with us their current top 3 favourite and most beneficial workout sessions. This is a gift to runners of all levels. We hope you can benefit from the words and practices of these...
Anaemic to sub 30 | RT Journal By Nick Earl Anaemia I’m standing on the start line of the AV Shield Final 5km at Lakeside Stadium 12th April 2014 thinking, “Is sub 16:30 possible?” With a season's best standing at 16:22 from 3 months earlier it was certainly possible but with...
Fukuoka International Marathon by Josh Harris Race Report Lead up I had been feeling really good in the days leading up to the race. I went for some easy jogs, including a 5minute (Friday) and 3 minute (Saturday) effort between Half & Marathon pace and these felt really comfortable, which can often not...