RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

The trip over to watch the Aussie boys, Stephen Dinneen and Josh Harris to run the Fukouka International Marathon Championships was well worth it. We arrived in Fukouka, the scene for tomorrow's race, on a cold wet night after traveling for around 20 hours. To stretch the legs and get the blood...
After the Berlin Marathon I decided to take a (very) small break from running, in total it was 6 days of nothing then some steady runs in America (Hall of Fame visit), followed by some runs and leg turn over work in Crete (while on holiday). It was never...
Running is such a funny sport, one minute you can be flying and running really well, the next you can be struck down with an injury. After a solid 2014/2015 track season I was looking forward to getting into the winter grind of training. Unfortunately for me I was...
Berlin was again good to me this year. I came into the race wanting to run a PB and I believe I was in the shape to do so, I didn’t manage that but I am happy nonetheless. As I was coming up to the line I could see the...
2015 Melbourne Marathon: The vital steps! ~ A race day recount ~ 4.15am on October 18th The phone alarm goes off but I have been lying awake for the past hour - I’m not too concerned about my lack of sleep as I recall only getting a few hours of quality zzz’s...
RT Journal by Peter Bol New Balance RISING STAR: 2k16- A New Season As the 2015/2016-track season commences, there is so much curiosity and I'm eager to get on the track, whether that is because of the boredom experienced while not racing, or just missing the environment around track meets....
RT Journal by Jonas Aranda: Harvard Class of 2018 It's hard to believe that I've already completed my first year at Harvard, and that I've just commenced my second. Things flew by ever so quickly! It's been a whole mix of emotions: the excitement of studying in a whole new country...
World Mountain Running 2015 Well what an experience! I am glad Ross Johnson invited me to write an article on the World Mountain Running Championship as it will help ensure I do not forget how life is just one big adventure. I knew it would be an amazing experience participating in...
2015 has been a pretty interesting year for me so far! As is usually the case with running, nothing quite went to plan, however I have had some really good learning experiences that I can take into 2016. The year started down at Falls Creek in Victoria. After taking some...
#2016 The ultimate goal of every athlete is the Olympics, especially in the sport of athletics. It is a sport which can offer an abundance of self satisfaction - but the “income” and “fame” that most other sports see are outcomes which elude most Australians - therefore, basically rendering the...
Runner's Tribe