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A Guide to Training in Kenya Published by Runner's Tribe with exclusive permission from Sweat Elite - http://www.sweatelite.co/ If you’ve ever thought about heading to Kenya to do some training, meet some of the world’s fastest distance runners and experience an incredibly different culture, we’d highly recommend less thinking and more doing. It’s...
This original content has been reposted on Runner's Tribe with permission by 'THE SOURCE' the home to amazing stories across the rehydrated world. Take a look here. Going Han Solo: The Andrew Wheating Story Andrew Wheating is from “back east”, yet has spent over a decade holding some sort of Oregon-team membership card. In college,...
EMIL ZATOPEK: MY HERO RT Journal By Mark Tucker “Zatopek's greatness has surprised mankind. His goodness has illumined mankind. His fullness has elevated mankind.” (Sri Chinmoy) Words can hardly do justice to the man who I have looked up to and admired ever since I first learnt about him during my early...
The Training of Jim Ryun - ‘Quality & Quantity’  © 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved.  The first American high school athlete to run a Sub-4 mile, multiple world record holder, Olympic 1500m medallist. Jim Ryun to this day is an American superstar, rivalled by very few before and since. He was also known...
RT Column By Grace Kalac At the conclusion of the 2006 Australian Cross Country Championships, an awestruck eleven-year-old Luke Mathews approached sixteen-year-old Ryan Gregson at Hobart Airport, hoping that Gregson would trade state team singlets with him. Mathews, who had won the Under 12s race the day before, had watched Gregson finish...
By Mark Tucker “I had broken 2:09. I forgot my exhaustion. Within a couple (of) hours, the agony of a world record run would manifest itself. The elation would be replaced by fear. I would be urinating quantities of blood and vomiting black mucous. The race left me so totally...
With time running out and the pressure mounting with each race, it was with great relief and elation that Australia's Selma Kajan clocked the Rio 800m Qualifier in Barcelona, Spain late last week. Runner's Tribe caught up with Selma for a quick post qualifier Q and A. RT: How good does it...
Farewell to the Maputo Express A look at the long and Illustrious career of Maria Mutola © 2016 The Runner's Tribe, all rights reserved. Rewind to 1991, a lifetime ago, but for an 18 year old from Mozambique, mature beyond her years, it marked the beginning of the road. 17 years have...
Anneliese Rubie went a long way towards booking her ticket to Rio after clocking a crackerjack 51.69 at the world athletics championships last year in Beijing.  Earlier this year at the 2016 Australian Nationals, Rubie needed to finish in the top three to secure her Rio spot, which she did by finishing 3rd....
Current Villanova senior Patrick Tiernan (Toowoomba, Australia) was among Australia's 61 selections to the Olympic team in Athletics. Tiernan will run the 5000 meters in Rio. Runner's Tribe caught up with this gifted athlete on his Road to Rio for this Q & A. Road to Rio Interview with Patrick...